The Team Charter is equivilent to a business plan for your study group. The purpose is to address critical team challenges before they develop into issues. Therefore, the charter becomes a living document that grows as the team develops. It represents a tool that:

- Keeps the team moving in the same direction (common goals)
- Defines common expectations for everyone on the team (ground rules)
- Establishes a communication protocol
- Sets meeting times and schedule
- Articulates the intended team culture

The key components of the charter include:

1) Who We Are
2) Common Goals
3) Core Values
4) Potential Obstacles
5) Ground Rules
6) Communication Plan

For more information, suggestions, and rationale behind each of these topics, please refer to the "Components" page listed to the left.

REMEMBER: The team charter is a tool. Use it for reference, revisit it on a regular basis, and make changes as needed.